Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Craziness of July

July has proven to be my busiest month so far this summer. I cannot believe packed this much stuff into one month. It was a little more than I could almost handle. I will post a little update on everyone and then off to bed I go.

Dan and I
We have been going out on our date nights and it has been going really well. We have only gone out to each and then had a couple of drinks, but have enjoyed the time together.

Dan is staying relatively busy with work considering that things are slow, but there is some work out there to be done. He is bidding on a lot of jobs that are supposed to be coming eventually the contractors are saying.

My work has been insane this month, as it has been the last 3 summers. I have one project that is always due the first week of June that has a huge impact on our budget for services. I am now done doing some overtime and the project is done. I have been doing some training on Crystal Report writing, but mostly working on report bugs and fixes with our current report writer and trying to set up a new report to complete the project I just finished for next year so it doesn't have to be done manually, it's going to be a long process to get all of this data into one item and to try and verify that it is correct. I have been doing some project management and then just trying to work with fixes with the other clerical staff that seems to have been sucking up a lot of my time. I am hoping after a couple of meetings with some supervisors that we can find some sort of process to eliminate some of this work from me. I do in fact have an ulcer just to update from a previous post. I have been taking pills as I see fit and dealing with it.

I also did a blast from the past night and went to the New Kids on the Block concert with some girlfriends from work in Denver on a Wednesday night. We had a blast. It was hard to believe that I loved that group so much in 6th grade and we even remembered all the words to the songs they sang.

The HOA has been crazy this month, what the hell was I thinking having 2 events back to back?! The Subdivision Block party took a lot of phone calls to the town clerk and town administrator and finding loop holes to have alcohol at the party. We did get flyer's out and had a DJ and did Karaoke and a Porto potty delivered. Tiki torches and pretzels and tents. Whew, after all the planning and the week from hell at work I cut loose at the party and definitely had my fair share of fun. The party did go good and we had a good turn out for the first year of it.
Next is this weekend - Movie Night in the Park. Another board member was doing all the planing and everything was pretty set until we had a board meeting this week and she is not going to be able to attend this weekend, she has MS and is going to be in the hospital, so it falls back to the president, me. I have now taken that over this week and have been calling this guy with a dog that does tricks that is coming and the people that are bringing in the projector for the movie and getting the popcorn and such. I was supposed to go to a bachelorrette party in Denver Saturday night, but can't go now (not too heart broken over this after drinking last weekend). We also have a wedding to go to in Golden on Saturday so we may have to drive 2 vehicles so I can get back in time for all of this. Then just the annoyance of trying to work with the town on getting some of these lots mowed and the normal meetings and all of that. I also think I have a board member that is going to get canned because he hasn't been coming to the meetings and really hasn't done anything at all, so I need to find a replacement (I want to find the person so that I can be sure they side with me on issues, I know how political of me huh, oh well). Dan is getting really tired of all this HOA stuff, but summer will soon come to an end and some of the stress should be gone.

Katelynn is Katelynn, what do I say?! Some days she is my best friend and I love spending time with her and other days I want to stick her in her room and tell her when she is ready to be nice to me and other people and listen to her parents then she can come out and join society. I think that she gets bored a lot if there isn't much going on and then feels that she is then entitled to watch a show/tv (which daddy usually lets her). The neighbor girls come over and knock on the door usually after I get home and ask if she can play and we usually let her play in the front yard with them until we eat supper. She really loves to have friends and it's nice to watch them play. We also get along with their parents so sometimes it's pretty fun to just hang out at home. I cannot believe that in September I am going to have a child that is 4 years old, where did the time go? Katelynn has her first dentist appointment on Monday morning, wish us luck.

Junior is now 5 1/2 months old - can you believe that. We weighed him at the beginning of the month and he weighed 19 lbs. 1 oz - unbelievable, you should see the pipes I have from carrying him around in his car seat and just in general. He is such an enjoyable baby. He gives you the biggest smile when you make eye contact with him and he really only fusses when he's really hungry or tired and wants to go to bed. He is still sleeping through the night, he goes to bed by 7:30pm and up at 6:30am. He is rolling from his back to his tummy now and for the most part prefers his tummy. Dan went and got him up this morning and he was sleeping on his tummy for the first time. He loves Katelynn and watches and watches her every move. She can get him to laugh and giggle and he loves when she really takes the time to play with him. He is using his excersaucer now and his jumperoo. I think that he would be pretty close to sitting up on his own if it weren't summertime, we have been busy watching Katelynn out in the front yard or all of us hanging out in the backyard that by the time he goes to bed we haven't really sat anywhere with time for him to get enough practice and balance to do it. I suspect he will be sitting on his own in another month.

One more week of July and then the month of August. Summer is flying by and I am not ready for it to end yet even with the business it brings.

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