Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

Katelynn making her snowman project.

Dan and Katelynn painting another project.

Katelynn wrapping a gift for Daddy.

Christmas Time

Last weekend we had all of Katelynn's playdate friends and families over for a little Christmas party. Dan was a big help getting the house cleaned and ready for the party, I really would have been tired if he hadn't helped me out. Of course that morning when Katelynn woke up she said she wasn't feeling very well, but sometimes it's hard to really trust her when she says her tummy hurts so I just blew it off and we started our morning. After a couple of hours, probably around 9:30am she said she didn't feel good again and wasn't look very good either so we gave her a shot of motrin and it took her fever down and she perked up until about an hour before all of our guests arrived. She knew that everyone was coming and was really trying to be a trooper and stay in party mode, but after everyone came her and I pretty much parked ourselves on the couch and she leaned up beside me, poor little thing. I asked her if she wanted to go to bed and take her nap or if she wanted to wait until we opened the gifts, I'm sure you can imagine what she chose to do. We decided for the playgroup this year that all of our children are very spoiled and with a 3 (and soon to be 4 of us) having 2 kids that we didn't want to spend the time drawing names and shopping for more gifts or our kids getting more "stuff" to have in our houses, so we decided on buying all the kids a book, the same one so there would be no fighting. It actually worked out very well, me and one of the other moms ran to Barnes and Noble and picked out 1 book for the older kids and one book for the younger crew and we were all done. I took the books home and wrapped them all and under the tree they went, piece of cake, and who doesn't like to have a new book to read to their kid? After the kids opened the gifts it was off to bed for Miss Katelynn. She was pretty funny about it too, when I took her upstairs and laid her in her bed she told me she was just going to pretend that she was taking a nap and then would come back down to the party in a minute. She was out in a second and when she woke up from her nap (which was only 2 hours long, I was hoping for more) she sat at the top of the steps and asked me if everyone was ready for her to come back down because she was only pretending to be asleep. I had to explain to her that the party was already over and everyone had to go home and take naps too. She was still really warm when she woke up from her nap, so we took her temperature and she was at about 102 degrees, another shot of motrin went in. We then went downstairs and I wanted to keep in low key so we watched her new movie Tinkerbell and then she played around afterwards and was absolutely fine, her temp never went back up and she never said again the rest of the weekend that she didn't feel good. That was probably the fastest sickness I've seen, I wasn't really sure what to think of it except - Thank you!

Another way to Save on Groceries

Here is another way to save on your groceries. You can go to the P&G website and enter in your information and automatically load coupons to your King Soopers or Safeway card before you go to the store. It says on the website that this will be additional savings if you have coupons. Every cent saving is worth it so I will give it a shot!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pregnancy Pictures

Here are the most recent prego pictures that I had Dan take last week. I am getting huge and I am thinking that the tee I am wearing in this one makes me look even bigger, but I feel bigger that is for sure. I had a dr. appt. yesterday and have now passed the weight I was at, at this stage with Katelynn. This did not make me a happy camper. My doctor now also thinks that I am crazy along with all of the nurses. I told her at this appointment that I think I am definitely big enough and this baby boy is strong enough and he's ready to come out. I also told her that because I am getting so big and he is going to continue to get bigger that if I get one stretch mark then he is definitely coming out! She just laughed at me and said that I was at 32 1/2 weeks and that we needed to make it to at least 36 weeks so that his lungs are developed and then we can talk some more about him coming out. I had no choice between dr. and baby, but to shake my head and agree. I am now on appt. every 2 weeks. The countdown will now begin and I'm pretty sure the freak out of going into labor and pushing this baby out will soon start to take over my mind.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Katelynn doing her Nails

Great Day

What a great day today was (finally)! Although Katelynn woke up at 5am, I put her back to bed and she slept in until 7:30am, that made for a very pleasant morning and both of us had gotten enough sleep. We played a little this morning and made some coffee, milk, and cinnamon rolls for breakfast and watched some cartoons. We started to really get moving around 9am getting ready to finish up our Christmas shopping and we were out the door by 10am (right when we woke Dad up, because I figured it was time). We first ran to the outlet mall because we had to return a vest that was too small and bought 2 gifts there and walked around and went to a couple of other stores to look around. It was 50 degrees out and the sun was shining, so nice. Then we headed over to Target to pick up our last present. Katelynn did not complain once about riding in the cart the entire time we were in there because I had told her there were just too many people and I didn't want to loose her. We shared a smoothie and popcorn while we shopped around (and she didn't even ask for anything for herself, wow). After about an hour it was time to get out of that crazy busy store, so we hit the rode homeward bound. Once we got home we cleaned up the basement and Dan even helped and actually vacuumed for me (miracles do happen?). Katelynn then decided that mommy needed a nap and covered me with blankets and she went outside to play with her dad and then she went down for nap too. Once we were up and moving again, Dan put in a new house humidifier and thank goodness that static in our house is now gone! Katelynn and I did an art project of making snowmen and coloring that I had bought at Target to keep us busy this afternoon. The rest of the night we actually spent as a family and played and danced and ate supper together, it was so nice. After Katelynn was off too bed Dan and I watched a movie together, another pleasant surprise - spending some time with my husband. Tomorrow on the agenda will be doing some laundry, running to the grocery store and making 2 batches of Chex Mix and watching the Vikings game - hopefully all will be as peaceful as it was today (wish me luck with that).

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Busy Day

Today was a busy day or at least if I write it all out it seems like a lot. I woke up last night at around 1am and finally got up at 1:30am and folded the load of laundry that was in the dryer and threw the washed ones from the washing machine in to dry so I would have a clean pair of jeans to wear today. I went back to bed and Katelynn woke me up around 4:30am and I took her back up to her room and tucked her back into bed and tried to go back to sleep. Katelynn and my alarm clock woke me back up this morning around 6:15am and after I showered I changed shirts about 3 times before settling on something to wear for the day which then meant that my hair was partially dry and didn't want to be curly (and there was no time left to blow dry and straighten). Off to take Katelynn to daycare and then to work. I decided at about 11am that I couldn't handle my clothes any longer and some of the shirts that are mediums are now getting to short with my expanding belly and off to the mall I ran to get some new shirts (this is after I promised myself 2 months ago that I would not spend any more money on maternity clothes). Stopped for some lunch and back to work. We then had Holiday Happy Hour at work that I had baked cookies for and some chocolate cluster things for, that was a little fun and enjoyable, back to the desk and then homeward bound. I called Dan before I left and he was already at home so I told him to pick up Katelynn (he made a stink about it of course and I'm thinking - my god you're lazy, she's only 4 blocks away!!). Cleaned up the kitchen when I got home and then made some supper for me and Katelynn, Dan had already went out to eat with the neighbor (must be nice) and then I started another load of laundry and put the other load I had folded earlier away. Katelynn did a little art project and then I made the family go downstairs and help me wrap presents so we can get them shipped to Minnesota this weekend. Katelynn had a bath and off to bed with her. I then finished wrapping some gifts and loaded my car for some that I can ship tomorrow. I filled out a couple more addresses that I got for X-mas cards and then sat down and did payroll tonight and some bookwork and am taking a break to type all of this out in hopes that it will help me sleep tonight?! I am going to clean-up my kitchen and hopefully catch the last 20 min. of ER and fall asleep. Whew - what a day.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Cookies

Here are the Christmas cookies that Katelynn and I made tonight so I can take them to work tomorrow for our Holiday Happy Hour. We made 2 batches of these and Katelynn unwrapped all of the Kisses for me, it was actually a big time saver.

And yet more Deadwood Pics

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

31 Weeks

31 weeks pregnant and it is starting to take its toll. I have finally started taking the iron pills this week that the dr. told me to take, what? 3 weeks ago, I am hoping for the boost of energy or did she say it will only help a little? Maybe I just don't really remember the first pregnancy anymore, but this second one seems just a little tougher to get through and I still have 2 months left. Last night Dan made a point of saying there are only 8 more Saturday's left before the new baby should be arriving. That really hit home even more, only 8 Saturday's to get stuff done, only 8 Saturday to enjoy some one on one time with Katelynn, only 8 more Saturday's before the sleep deprivation comes back into play and then 3 more years to get to where we are now with Katelynn where her every move doesn't depend on us, am I really ready for this? My next dr.'s appt is next week and then we start the every 2 weeks and then once a week appts. I am definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore (I do think I remember that with Katelynn, but am thinking it was the last month instead of 2nd to last month). This baby is heavy already and is taking its toll on my body, I have a pulled muscle or a nerve in my pelvic on the right side that triggers into play while I'm walking and making me limp every so often throughout the day and at home when I sit on the couch or am laying in bed and try to get up the sciatic nerve on the right side is pinched and I feel like I am 90 years old and need a walker ( I wonder if this is what it feels like to get old?). The bathroom breaks have increased that I now feel that I should move my desk into there and it's where people seem to want to ask me how I am doing because I run into everyone everyday in there - people, seriously - I do not want to talk to you while I am trying to pee - this is a private time. As much as I have been trying to avoid getting up at night to take a bathroom break it has now come to 'I have no choice' and have to get up. I feel that I am not getting much sleep again either, my mind will start to play "movies" - long movies all night long and this is strange, but they are not movies that I have watched or that I have seen previews on - I should be getting up in the middle of the night and writing down these movies, I could write screenplays and maybe become a millionaire, but I am too lazy to do that - too bad for me.
I am however ready for Christmas - I have one gift left to buy and then Dan and I can wrap gifts one night this week and ship them I am hoping on Saturday. I have our Christmas cards done and ready to mail out this week.
Well, my mind continues to wander from one subject to another so I think I will just do another post of a couple more Deadwood pictures, go clean my kitchen and hit the sack -I hope it's a good movie tonight!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Breakfast with Santa

This morning Katelynn and I got up early (well, she did anyway, which meant that I did as well) and got ready and headed to Loveland. We went to meet my girlfriend Brooke and her family to have breakfast with Santa at the Loveland High School. I was really impressed with the school and how well they put on this charity for their high school band. We didn't have to wait at all and were told to sit at any table and the kids would come and take our drink orders and then serve us our food. (Pretty good that we didn't have to do buffet style). The kids were served Rudolph pancakes (very cute) and the adults had sausage and pancakes as well. The kids did a really good job to keep checking back and seeing if we needed refills on drinks and such. They also had Santa Claus there and the line was never really long, I think Katelynn waited maybe 5 minutes for her turn and they took pictures with Santa that you could buy as well. This was the first year that I have taken Katelynn to see Santa and sit on his lap and tell him what she wants. She was really excited and not scared of him at all, maybe a little on the shy side, but not scared to tell him that she wants a Princess Kitchen. She has been saying that this is what she wants from Santa for a little over a week now. Dan has heard this plenty of times and I hope that he at least considers it since this will be the first year that she really understands that he is coming and when she wakes up Christmas morning he should have left her a present and filled her stocking up. I have bought all of her other presents so this is really all we have left, although Dan is saying that we don't have the room for it, but we will see.
After breakfast we went to Brooke's and Katelynn played for about an hour and then we left to go get some more Christmas shopping done. I really wish that I wasn't pregnant and had a ton of money too spend - there are some seriously good deals out there to be had.
Dan and Katelynn also played in the snow today in the backyard and made a pretty good looking snow man with a hat and scarf and arms and face and the everything else. Katelynn was funny tonight and was asking what will happen if he melts?
Tomorrow is grocery shopping, Vikings game and I am hoping to start baking some Christmas cookies. I also need to get my Chex Mix done, that is usually my favorite for the holiday to sit and much on. (I better make two batches - one for the pregnant lady and one for others).

Cheerios Christmas Trees

This seems like a fun recipe that kids can help with and think is fun to eat later! We are maybe going to try it tomorrow.

6 cups Honey Nut Cheerios® cereal
6 tablespoons butter or margarine
4 1/2cups miniature marshmallows
Green food color
Red cinnamon candies or sliced gumdrops
1. Line a cookie sheet with waxed paper.
2. Pour the cereal into a 4-quart bowl. Set the bowl aside.
3. Place the butter and marshmallows in a 3-quart saucepan. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture is smooth. Remove the saucepan from the heat.
4. Stir in the food color until the mixture is evenly colored. Pour the marshmallow mixture over the cereal and stir until the cereal is evenly coated.
5. Lightly spray your hands with cooking spray. For each tree, shape about 1/4 cup of the cereal mixture into a Christmas tree shape on the cookie sheet.
6. Press the candies into the trees to decorate. Refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour. Store the trees in a loosely covered container.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Breakfast in Deadwood

Katelynn & cousin Riley

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Snow in Deadwood

The view from our cabin once we finally were able to get there.

Waiting for the snow plows to push some snow so we could get up to our cabin.

More Deadwood, SD Pics

Slow, but sure I am getting through these!

Dan, across the street, can't wait for everybody else!

Wild Bill Hickock's Hotel and Casino. Deadwood
Grandma and Katelynn
Grandma and Katelynn at the restraunt owned by Kevin Costner.