Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's a Boy!

The 3rd Birthday Party

Katelynn decorating her princess crown to wear for the party.
Daddy putting on her princess tattoos.
Mommy and Katelynn (she was not being cooperative any longer).
Blowing out her candles!
Gotta love the cake!

The 3rd Birthday Party

Our Disney Princess Party and decorations. These are pictures from before the guests arrived and the house was still clean, (ha ha).

More 3rd Birthday Pictures

Here she is opening her gift from the other grandparents, it was the cutest turtle that turns into a pillow and a subscription to a kids magazine, she's going to love it. (Yes, my child is spoiled).

Katelynn's 3rd B-day Pictures

Katelynn open presents from the grandparents before the birthday party.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Just some Information

Katelynn's 3rd birthday party went really well. She loves having a bunch of friends over to play and it's so fun to watch them all interact with each other at this age. I will get some pictures posted hopefully this weekend from the party.
Katelynn has had her 2nd cold this week, please tell me this is the last one for a little while. She did not get good sleep at all until finally last night. The rest of the week was hell in our house, with everyone waking up from her coughing every couple of hours and Dan and I wanting the other to get up with her or just not talk to each at 2am, etc. and both of us just wishing we could take her cough away ourselves and make her better. She also picks up habits quickly, so I am positive there were a couple of times throughout the night that she just woke up and expected me to rock her and coax her back to sleep, the problem for me is then I don't fall back asleep for another hour - hopefully we'll have a repeat of last night and she'll only wake up once or none at all.

Katelynn had her 3 year check-up on Monday, her actual birthday and passed with flying colors. The doctor was very impressed with her verbal skills and understanding of everything.
Here are her stats:
Height: 38 1/4 (72%)
Weight: 34 lbs. (80%)
Head: 4.75cm (20%)
(so much for Dan and I always thinking that she has had a big head, she's only in the 20%)

After her doctors appointment it was time for mommy and her to do a little bit of shopping before going to daycare and me back to work. We stopped at Old Navy and she picked out some shoes (which she has yet to want to wear?) and I got some more maternity jeans since last time everything I owned were carpi's because it was summer (it costs a lot to buy a new wardrobe).
Next it was off to Target and this was the big deal day of "No More Nuky".
(My friend gave me this idea and did this with her daughter when she turned 3).
We have been telling Katelynn for awhile now that when she turns 3 it's time for the pacifier to go bye-bye, even though she rarely uses it, it was time to get it out of the house so that none of could use it as a crutch. So at Target, Katelynn had her "Nuky" in hand and was allowed to pick out anything in the store that her little heart desired, the cost of that item "One Nuky". So first she looked at earrings and necklaces and next it was off to the toy section and every once in awhile she would peep out "I love my Nuky" or "I'm going to miss my Nuky". In the toy section she first chose a ball (I thought great - $8 bucks, I can handle that), but then as we were heading to the checkout she saw Little Einsteins and Rocket and decided to 'trade up' to the $50.00 toy (crap is all I could think). As we were walking toward the checkout with Rocket and friends we went by the movie section and she dropped the Rocket and picked out an Elmo video (sweet, back down to $10 bucks), to the checkout we went. It wasn't too busy in Target on a Monday at 10:30am, but a nice checker opened up especially for us and once a couple of the other employees figured out what I was doing with Katelynn we had a little crowd. The checker did great with Katelynn, Katelynn gave her the video to scan and then I told her that it would cost "One Nuky" and Katelynn stood off to the side and just didn't want to let go, but finally she looked at me and said "I need just one more lick" and I told her to go ahead and lick it one last time and she did and handed it to the cashier, deal done, into the drawer it went and off we went out of the store with her new movie. So far this week she has only asked for it a couple of times and cried a little bit, but all in all the transition has gone well.
Dan and I took her out to eat and to play at Chuckie Cheese for her first experience there on Monday night, she loved it and has asked to go back a couple of times since then, the Greeley location does not quite have the atmosphere and music of the one Fargo and the characters, but we'll probably do some kind of reward system soon with her and when she reaches whatever we decide on then that may be a very good motivator and reward.

Next week is the big Ultrasound, my appointment is on Wednesday morning and we will find out the sex of the baby. I keep having this thought that baby is going to keep his/her legs crossed and not let us see because I want everything to be planned out or as my friend called me today "OCD". I will post something either Wed. night or Thursday to let everyone know what it is. Katelynn has said that we are having 1 boy baby and 1 girl baby - I think I would die.

Cassie's Big Kill

North Dakota youth deer season opened this weekend. They took Cassie hunting at the farm (Hebron, ND).
She shot at 3 different bucks and ended up with a 3x3 mule.
Congratulations Cassie. (This is Dan's niece)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Baby Belly

Here are a couple of pictures of the baby belly # 2. I am 18 weeks in these pictures and definitely showing more than I did with Katelynn at this time. My next dr.'s appt. is on September 24th and we will be doing the "big ultrasound" and be able to find out the sex of the baby, and yes, we are going to find out. I am ready to either go through all of Katelynn's clothes and separate them out better by size and get them in the baby's room/closet or get rid of them if it's a boy. I figure I better start doing this while I have the energy (the little I do have). The crib and the changing table have already been set-up and moved into the "baby's" room / Grandma's Room (as Katelynn refers to it). Let's get the show on the road.

These pictures are hilarious, you have too look at the expression on Katelynn's face, she thought it was so funny that Daddy could possibly have a belly too this morning!

Thursday, September 04, 2008


I need a little time to vent here, so please excuse the bad attitude.
Men, what do they do? They go to work, come home, eat supper, maybe play a little with the kids and then after the kids go to bed they go off and do whatever it is they want - what the hell is that? Women are stuck to do it all - or at least I am feeling that way today. Run the kiddo to daycare, go to work - get pulled in every direction, make sure I get out of work on time to get kiddo picked up on time. When we get home - low and behold - husband has been home for awhile enjoying beers with his friend - how nice. Come in and set up paints and colors for kiddo to keep entertained while I go and cook supper, start a load of laundry and go through the mail. Husband comes in to eat and watch football. Woman does dishes, load dishwasher and start - wash any that didn't fit. Throw clean clothes into dryer. Get kiddo into bath, do some puzzles, brush teeth, read books and sing songs before getting them settled for bed. Then it's off for me to do bookwork -where is husband - in the garage enjoying free time. After bookwork is done I will need to go and fold the laundry and clean the rest of the kitchen that I didn't get to already - what will husband do - come to bed at 11:00pm and wonder why in the morning I am exhausted. Man - can us woman get a little help around here - if all I had to do was keep the lawn fertilized, mowed and watered - you know "the outside jobs that our men take care of" I think I would take the trade. This is probably why a woman should be president or vice president - we just get more shit done.