Monday, April 28, 2008

Beach Ready

Okay, I cut the hair, got my summer look going on and I am ready for the beach! We leave next Monday. I am a list maker, so, tomorrow I will be scavenging the Internet for the perfect packing list for myself, Dan & Katelynn and will start to slow but surely be packing and planning for the rest of the week!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Random Pictures

I have been battling a sinus infection since last Friday and finally went to the doctor today to get some drugs, I am praying they kick in tonight and the headache will go away. My house is in dismay from leaving it up to Dan and Katelynn to keep it clean. Here are some random pictures that I've taken with the new digital camera.

We are counting down the days to vacation - 11 days, we can't wait to be sitting on the beach!

Me and Katelynn

Katelynn on the high beam
Trying on our new swimsuit for the beach
Saturday morning breakfast!
Dan getting irritate with me taking pictures! Ha Ha

Friday, April 18, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Gotta Love the Free Stuff

Free stuff anyone! I love, love, love the grocery game! The other weekend I went in and got 2 bags of cat food for free. Here is my proof! You can't beat that price.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Dan's New Toy

Okay, so it looks like after I shook my "small" money tree to buy a new digital camera my husband went and shook the biggest tree he had and took all the money out of it. Here are some pictures of Dan's new joyride or as some of my girlfriends have told him "his midlife crisis car"!

It's a beautiful thing, now we need a babysitter to watch Katelynn so me & him can go and take a cruise in it together - where are those grandparents when you need them?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Family Easter Picture

Wow, I cannot people how much we have changed in 3 years, these were taken Easter Sunday.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa Davids

Here are a couple of pictures from when Dan's parents where here visiting.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Shake The Money Tree

I've been considering buying or at least wanting a digital camera for quite some time and with the big vacation on the countdown (less than 30 days away!) the feeling of needing vs. wanting a digital camera has been changing. I need a digital camera the voice inside my head has been repeating over and over and over for the last 2 weeks. So, this weekend Katelynn and I went shopping on Saturday and checked out a couple of camera's at Sam's Club and on Sunday after our grocery shopping went to the store and I bought one, I couldn't help it, the voice has finally calmed now and the joy of having a new toy is in full swing! I just cannot lug around my big 35mm Cannon Rebel to every playdate, to the park, or to Katleynn's tumbling class any longer, it's just too big. I bought a small digital Cannon Powershot that I can drop into my purse or pocket and it even takes little video's on it - so cool! My family is already tired of me in 2 days taking numerous pictures around the house of them, just for fun (because you can do that with a digital, not with a 35mm). Katelynn even told me the other day to stop taking her picture because the flash was starting to hurt her eyes - oops, bad mom. I am however interested to see after I actually have a few pictures developed if the quality is as good as my other camera, only time will tell. So hopefully now my blog will be more up-to-date with the times and I won't be posting Christmas pictures at Easter time!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Teach Them Early

We bought Katelynn this interactive computer game. She sees me playing on the computer and always wants to push the buttons. This came with a keyboard just for her and goes right on top of our keyboard. It teaches them letters, numbers, and the cause and effect and has 3 different levels of play. She really enjoys it and I figure it's never to early now-a-days to start learning how to use the computer.

Valentine's Day Pictures

Here are a few pictures of Katelynn making Valentine's Day bags for her friends. She of course had to taste some of each sucker and candy that we put in the bags to be sure they were good! We made 20 bags to hand out this year, whew, but we had a great time doing it.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


A picture of Katleynn's Tumbling Class.
Katelynn and Trey having a playdate after Tumbling.

Katelynn's Tumbling Class

Here are some pictures of Katelynn in her Tumbling class that we go to Saturday mornings for an hour. She loves her teacher Stephanie. Her best is probably the balance beams that they have. It's pretty fun and entertaining to watch the little kids learning all these new things, although some days they get a little out of control and have trouble waiting their turn, but the parents try to help round them up as best we can!
Some new things that Katelynn has been doing is playing with her language skills. She told me this last week - Did you know that my babies are dolls? and Did you know that my nuker is a pacifier? She has been really irritating Dan lately by calling him Dan or Danny, I just laugh because he gets so frustrated and thinks that I am telling her to do it (and I'm not!) She also has started shorting words, babies are now her babes, if she wants to call you silly, she says "you are a sill" and she calls Shelby, our cat, either Shelbs or Shelb.
Forward Rolls
Backward Rolls
Balance beam