Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Preschool Parent / Teach Conference

Dan & I were so excited tonight to go to our first parent/teacher conference! A little strange feelings, but still exciting. I couldn't wait to here what they had to say about Katelynn. The teacher had a little book that was made by Katelynn and all about her, it was so cute. The funniest thing was her favorite food she listed was a Plum. Funny because she has never eaten a plum here. I have bought them before and she had absolutely no interest in them. I wonder if was because it was a circle, which she can draw, and purple, one of her favorite colors. She did amazing on her little score sheet and had almost all A's (Always!) and only 3 S's (Sometimes). She even had some A+ on her sheet for exceeding the expectations! The teacher told us how well she did joining the group mid-year and how mature she is. She also said how well and mature her speaking and language skills are. She told Dan and I that we have been doing a very good job with her. I did ask her if our school district didn't have such an early cut-off date for Kindergarten enrollment if she would be ready for Kindergarten and she did have to say for the most part "yes", she probably would be ready and do fine, but that there was no need to rush her into it. She did say that she hopes that she will continue on her learning path and that she hopes that when she reaches Kindergarten that she won't be bored and the school will work with her to keep her involved and busy.
We are so proud of our little girl! She was excited when we came home and went through the book she made us with her. Later she got a special treat - whatever she wanted - she picked a marshmallow (a girl after my own heart!) and received some computer time tonight. What a treat to have a glowing review and a little pat on the back that we have been teaching her good and picking good providers that help her as well.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

There's a Party in My Tummy

Katelynn has had some type of stomach bug this weekend. Saturday morning she woke up at 5:30am and came down saying she wasn't feeling very well and I had her crawl into bed with me and Dan. By 6am she was throwing up outside of our bathroom and then outside of the other bathroom and then finally in the bathroom. Yuck, what a mess. Dan helped me clean-up the carpets and get everyone settled for the morning and then he was off to work for a couple of hours. Katelynn was fine most of the day and we decided that we should have a movie day and hang out and relax. I remember how exciting it was when I was little and we got to go to the movie store and pick out movies to rent (and we had to rent the VCR too). Walking through the movie store and looking at each one and deciding. So after naps we ran to the grocery store and to the movie store. Dan and I picked out a couple of movies and they have a free kids rental with any movie rental, so Katelynn got to pick out 2. She went for 2 Care Bear movies. Home we went and ate supper and made popcorn and had a little movie party. She seemed to be doing good the rest of the day. After I put her to bed so Dan and I could watch our movie she came down the steps to talk to me and told me her tummy was hurting again, but she didn't have to puke. We had a little conversation on the stairs. Katelynn told me - there are little guys in my belly and they are having a celebration. They are jumping around and having a party - a birthday party. She told me all about the little guys and the party and how they were dancing around and on and on and on. I told her to keep drinking water and eventually she would flush them out. Well, that happened this morning on Dan's watch, but I won't go into detail about that! Next time you have a stomach remember the little guys and that there may just be a celebration they needed have!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Betty Crocker & Safeway! Prize Pack Give Away

Now that spring is in the air, it´s the perfect time to put a fresh spin on some of your favorite baking classics.
Using Betty Crocker® SuperMoist Cake and Traditional Brownie Mixes, and with a little help from the Safeway family of stores, you can put your budding baking skills to the test to serve up special treats that will have you and your little sprouts ready for springtime! For great spring recipe ideas, visit BakeSweetMemories.com today. Bake Sweet Memories has delicious recipes for fun desserts using your Betty Crocker favorites, including Easter Bunny Cakes and even morning brunches, like the Impossibly Easy Breakfast Bake, which are sure to brighten any morning! Head out to your local Safeway store to stock up! Even if you miss the sale listed in my previous post, check BakeSweetMemories.com for great coupon offers that download right to your Safeway Club card.
This Spring, Betty Crocker makes life a little sweeter.
I received a VIP coupon, information, and prize packs through Safeway and Betty Crocker and MyBlogSpark. I have one prize pack to also give away to one of my readers.

My daughter and I had a great time baking together with the prize pack gifts and our entire family enjoyed a great Betty Crocker dessert Sunday night. If you would like to be in the drawing for the prize pack share a Betty Crocker baking experience or go to http://www.bakesweetmemories.com/ and post your favorite recipe! I will draw a winner at the end of April.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Betty Crocker Sale

Betty Crocker SuperMoist Cake and Traditional Brownie Mixes at the special price of $0.69 at the Safeway family of stores, sales ends today. Watch my blog for an upcoming prize pack from Betty Crocker and Safeway!

Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a fabulous Easter this year. We started off with the kids getting their Easter baskets and then quickly getting ready to head to Louisville for church. I have to say that when we clean-up, we clean-up good! We arrived at the church pretty early in order to get a seat and I brought suckers for the kids to try and keep them occupied and quiet. Katelynn and I have been trying to get to church every other weekend so she has been working on sitting still and keeping quiet and did pretty well. It was a long service and she was getting antsy in the middle and at the end, but did really well. Junior started babbling loudly while devouring his sucker so Dan eventually took him to the back of the church and eventually they ended up in the car. Poor Dan, always the one to take the kids out and try to entertain them. After church and receiving all our good feelings and blessings it was off to the Reichel's for the rest of the day. We had great food, an Easter egg hunt with Jesse & Lisa's girls, and did a lot of visiting, Adrian and his girlfriend also joined us for the day. The kids got along great and everyone was sugared up and wore out by the time we got home!

Easter Family Pictures






Friday, April 02, 2010

Our Life Lately

Although every day seems like dejavu I guess we do have little things that happen each and every day. I will give an update on everyone starting youngest to oldest!

Our little man is still a little joy in our house. He is so funny, he has basically mastered his walking and the poor guy now tries to run through the house and usually ends up tripping himself up or tripping over something and then BONK, there's yet another bruise. He is going through some definite separation anxiety lately. Depending on who was just with him (me or Dan) and that person leaves the room he starts to cry and cry. He has also started to pick up whining as a resort to get things, the little bugger needs to start talking with real words. This boy can eat! In the mornings now when we are getting ready for daycare and work he actually runs to the pantry door and started knocking on it or whining at it because he knows there is food in there. Anytime we sit down for a meal he eats twice as much as Katelynn does, it's actually pretty amazing how much he can shovel into his mouth in a sitting. He is still a good sleeper and goes to bed so easily. One funny thing that I noticed is he points with his thumb?! He also uses his thumb to push buttons or things instead of his pointer finger, very strange. He can say Momma, Dadda and more (obviously for the food), but other than that it's mostly just babbling along. He is very tall for his age and weighs around 24 lbs.

Katelynn is still in dance class for 2 more months. I can't wait to see their final recital. She is still in the preschool class and really enjoys it. I am anxious to go to the parent/teacher conference and hear what they have to say. She is signed up for 3 days of preschool next because she misses the cut-off date to start kindergarten here. It should be interesting next year when we hang out with my friends and theirs kids that she has grown up with and they are all saying they are in kindergarten and she is not. Katelynn still talks not stop, literally. From the moment she approaches our bedroom door in the morning until I close her bedroom door at night, the girl has a lot to say. We have to remind her at supper time to eat and talk a little less. She really wants to take swimming lessons this summer and I am hoping to get her into a couple of horse back riding lessons as well. As the days have gotten nicer and we are in spring her little neighborhood friends have all been coming and knocking on the door wondering if Katelynn can play. I can see she will be a busy little friend again this summer.

I have been busy every night lately dealing with the HOA. We sent a $75.00 assessment to all the residents and they went berserk! People it's $75.00 check out what other people have had to pay on an assessment, it's not that bad. I have a crew of angry residents, the next HOA meeting should be interesting. I really have been trying to keep my cool and not freak out and show my true attitude to these ungrateful people. I do not get paid to do this and nobody else wants to volunteer their time, so back off.
Work has been going fairly well, although I am definitely working for my paycheck now. Some projects are really fun and the reports are really hard and I am trying to keep a good balance and still figure out if I am doing a good job or not. There has been some shake-up in our department recently which has put people's nerves on high. Our director has been laid-off and they have told us they are dis banning our division and that is about what we know at this point. It was supposed to be 9 months down the road, but the director got upset and something happened and it's done as of today. We do know that our jobs are safe and we got a message from the county manager today, so at least that is good news. They did a few lay-offs in my old department as well this week and it's sad to see people scared of what other lay-offs may be coming.
Home. The house is on the market and there is a sign on the front lawn. I am just waiting for some of the residents to figure out this is my house and freak out on me about assessing a due for the HOA (and we may have to increase rates next year for another issue) and that I am trying to sell my house and want things to look nice at their expense. It is not easy to keep the house clean everyday where if a realtor called for a showing and I'm at work it's ready for them. It's just not happening, so good thing we have not had any calls yet. We have been cleaning and storing things each weekend and putting some extra cleaning in.
Katelynn and I have been trying to go to church every other Sunday as well.

Dan's work is picking up. He thought that he would be seeing an increase of work more towards summer, but his builders seem to think now is the time to "hit it" and they are. He is going to be busy trying to juggle a few different contractors and homes that all want him at the same time for the next 3 weeks. He is happy to have some work coming though and it makes him a happier person! He is anxiously awaiting some warm weather to start grooming his backyard. He has already been out there checking areas that might need some sprucing up and watering. He did some excellent grilling the other weekend. He has really taken to Junior. He loves to get on the floor and play with him and just mess around with him. He puts him to bed almost every night (partially because Katelynn only wants me to put her to bed if I'm home - her statement - "Dad, doesn't read the stories right and he can't sing a lullaby good). He has definitely gotten into the routine of picking the kids up from daycare and has started to help more with the dishes and laundry. He'd really like to find a long weekend for him and Katelynn to head to Minnesota and really show her his cabin by doing some fishing and 4-wheeling, hopefully they'll be able to take their little trip.

Everything seems to be flowing nicely. We are looking forward to going to church on Easter and spending some time with family.