Monday, March 09, 2009

Oh How Time Flies

It has been almost 6 weeks now since Junior was born, the time has been flying by. This morning I looked up at the clock and it was already 11am - how can that be? All I had done so far was feed him, get Katelynn ready and dropped off at daycare and then had some floor time with Junior (and probably a little cleaning - oh yeah, it was laundry). I will be going back to work on April 1st, the first week back I will probably do part-time to get back into the swing of things and then full time after that so I can put my energy into training for my new job, I am a little nervous about really go full boar at the position, but am hoping for good results?!

I have learned that baby books do not mean a whole lot when it comes to my children, they are the complete opposite of whatever they have written.
Bed time for example: people or the book say the more that is in their tummy's before bedtime the longer they should sleep. I remember when Katelynn was at this early age this was not the case at all, it was very strange. If she drank down 4 oz. before bed then she always woke up in the middle of the night for more, but if she drank only 1 oz. before bed then she slept through the night. This pattern continued for quite some time, the less she had before bed the longer she slept. The other opposite for her - you would think if your child stayed up way past their bedtime then they would sleep in a little longer. Nope, not with Katelynn - if she stayed up late then she was early to rise, but if we put her to bed earlier than her normal bedtime than she slept in later. Here's the first with Junior, most kids would fall asleep while drinking their milk and blissfully go to sleep - this is not the case in our home. I will feed him about an hour and half before I want him to go to bed because as soon as he is done drinking - bam - the eyes are wide open and he wants to walk around and look at everything in the house and when he's had enough then I will nurse him for a few minutes and lay him down to sleep, which for about the last week has been successful and he's slept for about 6 hours afterwards, if he would only drift right back to sleep at 4am instead of wanting to be awake for a little while - my hope will have to be that he starts to sleep through the night (is that wishful thinking this early?) We did weigh Junior last night and he is now about a half an ounce from being 11 lbs. already (we have Dan's magic HVAC scales to get exact weights, comes in pretty handy). At his one month Dr. appt. they said that he is fine to sleep through the night once he hits 11 lbs. - now I need to think how I can make this happen - wish me luck.

I am still loving my new car and Katelynn is even understanding the "New Rules" of no eating and only having water in a cup in the car, how long this will last I am not sure, but the car has stayed clean so far. This morning there was snow and ice on the road so I was finally able to get out and see what the AWD really is like and I have to say I was pretty impressed with it, I didn't slide on the road at all and could see other people sliding around at stops and such. I made my first car payment today and yesterday I called the company that cleans our house twice a month and let them know that I would not be needing them anymore and I had to put my money towards my car and another child in daycare, I am pretty bummed about that and am hoping that my lovely husband will help pick up some of the slack, again wish me luck with that.

A trip to Minnesota? We are still debating back and forth on whether we are going to go home or not. Fargo has gotten so much snow that it is a little unsettling and with the frigid cold there I am not sure that it's really the place for us to be traveling right now. It will also depend on Dan and his work if we can go, if something comes in for him then we have to stay here and he needs to work while there is work available. I am a little hopeful though that we will be able to go home for a visit, it has been over a year since I have been home and would really like my family to meet my son and see how much Katelynn has grown and what a fun little girl she is (when she is behaving). I also know that if we don't go now I don't know when I will have vacation time saved up again for us to be able to go and with the new job training and projects if I will be able to go. I am hoping by the end of the week that we will know if we are going or not.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the sleeping through the night. It could happen soon! Sounds like he's doing pretty good already. Hope you are able to make it home for everyone to see the kids. Paula
