Thursday, January 08, 2009

30 Days and Counting

Today is the 8th of January which means I officially have 1 month until my due date - February 8th, 2009. This date cannot come fast enough. I cannot believe how much more run down and tired I am with this second pregnancy, I am wondering if it because I have a three year old to chase around and the anemia or am I just getting older and more of a baby?

The babies room is now painted a pretty blue color and I am working on getting the stickers that I bought put on the walls. Dan did the painting over the long New Year's weekend and we contemplated putting up some border because the ceiling tape job wasn't done too terrifically, but after hitting a ton of stores and finding nothing that we liked and me finally buying some at Babies R Us and bringing it home and then him still not liking it and him not realizing what a pain in the ass putting up wallpaper would be (and it didn't match the stuff that I already had for bedding and such) we have opted out of that and I am going to try and touch up the paint job and call it good. I will post some pictures after I get them loaded of us painting the room, this was not an easy task with a three year old - we thought it would be lots of fun and keep her entertained with us painting the walls, but not so much - paint and carpet and things are not what you want a three year old to be playing with together.

Things are getting done, slow, but sure. The room is almost put together, I need to pack a bag still for the hospital, the infant car seat is out and ready to be put into my car, (I am still car hunting as well for a crossover vehicle, but the purchase probably won't happen for a couple more months), I need to start washing some clothes and actually going through what I have so I can figure out what I may need to buy?! I have already started buying diapers and wipes and piling those up in "Juniors" room and the bottles are all downstairs ready to be sterilized. We did have to change up some of our kitchen cabinets too make some room for bottles and sippy cups, so of course some "spring cleaning" of cabinets was done during this. I have lists upon lists that run through my head at night and wake me up and I've started writing things down on sticky notes and pasting them on the kitchen cabinets so I have to look at them everyday until I can cross something off and take it down. I have also booked my mother-in-law's plane ticket this week, she is coming to stay with us for 2 weeks, this I am hoping will be a god send for us and not too long of a stay.

I am also starting to think that maybe I am a crazy person. What am I thinking: having child # 2, starting in February the president of our HOA, and at work training for a new position and still doing bookwork for our own company. Do I really believe that I can keep up with all of this? This is when you wish you had more family living around you, where are those grandparents and aunts and uncles?

Those are my woes for the days - again 30 days and counting down and slowly loosing more brain activity!

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