Sunday, May 06, 2012

Dance Performance Time and a Visit from the Tooth Fairy

It was a busy and exciting weekend for Katelynn.  Katelynn lost her 3rd tooth at school on Friday and couldn't wait to show me when I got home.  She was super excited for the tooth fairy to come, but she was trying to figure out how she could keep her tooth and still get the money.  It was also her weekend to shine and show off what she has learned in dance this year.  Friday night she had dress rehearsal for her dance performance.  I picked her up after work and we had a really small and quick bite  to eat and then she got into her costume and we were off to dress rehearsal.  There were a ton of little girls in costumes and they all had to wait patiently for their turn on the big stage for practice.  The bummer is the mommy's have to stay back stage and we don't get to see a thing until the performance.  After they ran through their routine a few times we were free to go.  We stopped off and grabbed some food to take home and eat because we were both starving!  We ate quick and then made sure to put the tooth under her pillow in hopes that the tooth fairy would bring her some money.  She gave her tooth a last good-bye and was asleep in a few minutes.
Saturday morning she ran down to our room to let us know that she was going to check under her pillow and see if the tooth fairy had left anything for her.  (And thank the lord that she did because Dan and I had completely forgot!  How did we forget this?)  I made her come and lay in bed with for a few minutes and Dan left our room to go to the bathroom, put the money under her pillow, and then we all 3 went upstairs together to check.  Dan is no longer in charge of tooth fairy duties - he left the little packet that had her tooth under her pillow and the money.  You can imagine the ordeal!  Dan swiped it and I told her the tooth fairy had taken the tooth out of the packet and left the money.  She wanted to check and man did we almost get busted big time.  The rest of Saturday was spent cleaning up and then off to go shoe shopping for the kids and me.  They needed sandals and I needed some new tennis shoes.  We found each kiddo a pair of shoes, but didn't have the best of luck.  We picked up some new summer pj's too while we were out.  I found a great deal at the Reebok outlet store and got a pair of walking shoes and running shoes for buy one get one free.  We stopped off at Chili's for lunch and then had to head home.  Junior fell asleep in the car on the ride home and it was a good thing since it was going to be a long night for him too watching all the dance performances.
At about 4:30pm it was time to start getting Katelynn ready and beautified!  The dreaded part for both us - doing her hair.  If you have ever watched Toddlers and Tiaras this is basically what it looks like at my house when we are trying to get ready.  First a screaming match while brushing through the hair, followed by tears and crying while curling the hair and then the finished product of big smiles and how wonderful she looks.  One day I should tape us so we can view when she is older and have a good laugh or cry over it together.  The make-up fortunately is fun for both of us.  All dolled up and ready to go we were off to the dance recital.  This year the rules changed a little and all performers had to stay in the back room for the entire show.  They do have a TV feed back there so the kiddos can watch the other performers while they wait.  Katelynn was in the 2nd half of the show this year.  We sat through the entire first act and then as she was coming up to perform on stage and had just started a group of people stood up to leave.  I was trying to tape the performance on my Iphone and watch obviously and was so mad.  I kept telling them - Sit Down Please!  I had waited 2 hours to watch my little girl and these people decided to stand up during a performance.  I could have beat them with a stick, seriously!  But all was good and Katelynn did a fabulous job on her performance.  She was so happy to see us when she was finished and of course was excited to go to Dairy Queen for her ice cream treat.  We headed to DQ and both kids divulged in some dipped cones and then we were home bound.  Katelynn fell asleep on the way home.  Both kids were in bed by 9:30pm and mom and dad were in bed shortly behind them at 10pm.  

Hair and Make-up Complete

Before the performance.
My little Jasmine from Aladdin.

DQ Ice Cream Time!

Fast asleep and worn out.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Day 6 - Palm Springs - Birthday Fun and Girls Day

Day 6 in Palm Springs!
The morning started off as the rest did with enjoying a great breakfast and coffee outside enjoying the sun.  It was also Junior's 3rd Birthday.  That morning Junior jumped into bed with me when he woke up and told me "Mommy, I am not 2 anymore, I'm 3!  I had lots of hugs and kisses for him, he's so sweet.  Day 6 also meant that it was time for Dan to head back to Colorado and that his vacation was over.  He had a flight back around 10am.  He was sad to leave on Junior's birthday, but it ended up being a good thing he left early because Denver had a snow storm and he made it in before it hit and was home in case any furnaces needed servicing.  
Here are some pictures of our morning pool time.
Greyson jumping into the Pool
Junior jumping to Jeff - check out his form!
Here comes Katelynn!
Landon jumping into Jeff's arm - the after was pretty hilarious! 
Here comes Riley!
It was finally "Girls Day" too and I couldn't have been happier.  Spa Day!  We had scheduled facials for myself, Tonah, and my mom at a fancy resort spa.  We had called ahead of time for appointments and this resort was also across the street from an outdoor mall.  We were able to schedule 2 facials at the same time and 1 an hour before.  I took the first slot because I wanted to head over to the mall afterwards and find a make-up store and have a make-up application done, if your going to get pampered get it done all the way I figure!  Tonah and my mom headed over to the mall and found Starbucks and looked around while I was getting pampered.  The water in the spa was Amazing!  One of the waters was filled with all sorts of different fruits and another was full of cucumbers.  I was a little hesitant at first about the cucumber water, but I was surprised at how good it was and how much I liked it.  I've even made some for myself at home since!  The facial was fabulous.  I could have stayed at this resort all day and enjoyed their facility.  After my facial Tonah and my mom were in the waiting room and they were off to enjoy their pampering.  I headed out across the street and found a MAC store to get my make-up done.  I had a blast visiting with the store manager while she applied my make-up.  We sat and chatted like old friends about the new work force coming of age and getting jobs and this and that.  It was great.  After make-up I headed back and Tonah and my mom were just finishing up.  We decided that it was time to enjoy some sunshine and get some lunch so we headed back over to the mall and found a Cheesecake Factory.  We sat out on the patio and enjoyed some drinks, food, and of course some cheesecake!  It was a great Girls Day!  Thank you Mom for splurging on your daughter and daughter-in-law.

After the Cheesecake Factory it was time to head back to see how the boys were doing.  The kids were just getting up from naps, which was a little surprising because mine hadn't taken any all week.  "Grandpa" had sent Jeff and Landon off for the afternoon which left him in charge and he said the kids were taking naps!  Here is Super Grandpa in charge.
The kids were all up so Junior had a few gifts to open from Grandma and Grandpa.  I had decided that we were also going out to eat that night for Junior's birthday so we were off again to a Mexican restaurant that we had drove by on one of our first days.  The kids were excited to go out to eat and were so cute posing for pictures.  Grandma did the boys hair for the night too with a little gel - it's all about the little things in life!


We were able to sit outside at the restaurant under heated lamps and had a nice big table.  They brought all the kids ice cream and their staff came and sang Junior Happy Birthday and had a candle for him to blow out.  He was one happy camper.  We headed back to the house for our own birthday cake.  Junior was definitely in his glory.  He was getting a little excited about the cake and was pretending to take a bite out of it while the candles were lit and actually burnt off some of his hair.  Nothing ever goes without an incident!  We had happy kids and happy day on our 6th day in Palm Springs.

And the mishap of the burnt hair!
Good thing it didn't all burn since it had gel in it.
He was A-Okay though!

Mommy and her Birthday Boy