Sunday, October 31, 2010

When it rains it pours

Last week did not start out to be a good week and ended even worse.

Sunday we were gearing up for the Vikings game. We made lots of goods snacks to eat and the entire family was dressed in their Vikings gear. Throughout the day the kids started to get the sniffles and by bed time neither were feeling very good. I figured that I would be staying home from work on Monday. Sure enough, they coughed all night long and nobody was able to get much sleep. Dan and I were crossings paths in the night and we all played musical beds. Here is how that went: Katelynn in her bed, then in our bed and back to her bed. Dan in our bed, then in Katelynn's bed, on the couch and back to our bed. Junior in his crib then him and I downstairs and then him back to the crib. Me, in my bed, in Katelynn's bed, downstairs with Junior, Katelynn's bed and then back to my own bed. Whew, what a night.

While I was dealing with my sick kids my own mother was dealing with my grandma who was sick and in the hospital. Grandma went from one town to another with almost all of her 8 children following her with each move. All the grandchildren were kept up to date.

All week long for us was coughing and sniffles and not much sleep at night. Then we had the dreaded call that Grandma was going to the hospice hospital and shortly it would be time to say good-bye. This is when things get extremely difficult living far away from family. You can never drive an hour to go and say good-bye or give someone a hug who needs one.

Wednesday the kids went to daycare and Katelynn had pre-school. The daycare called me after they picked her up and she was screaming about her ear hurting. Dan was already home so I called him to go and pick up the kids early and said that I would take Katelynn to urgent care as soon as I got home. I got a call 10 minutes later and he asked me to meet him at urgent care because she was getting a little hysterical about her ear. I actually was thinking sooner rather than later as well and was already on my way. I was starting to not feel very well myself and figured that we all better just get checked out while we were there. 5 minutes before the daycare called me my mom had called me and told me my grandma passed away. I had to have my mommy hat on and went to urgent care and filled out the paperwork for the 2 kids and myself. Dan went with Junior and Katelynn and I in a different room. Katelynn did not have an ear infection and I did not have strep throat, so no good stuff to make us feel better. Junior was given a prescription for a nebulizer and antibiotics in case he got an ear infection. I went to Target with our prescription orders and waited a long hour and half. I did get a chance to finally talk to my mom while I was waiting. It was another long night with the kids and with me not feeling well either a lot of work fell to Dan. I was starting to get very worried that I would be too ill too travel home for my grandma's funeral. I immediately started taking vitamin C and prayed and hoped for the best. I kept the kids home again with me on Thursday and we hung around the house trying to get better. I again cleaned and disinfected my house and toys and did as much as I could muster for the day. I eventually did start feeling about 50% better and decided to go ahead and book a ticket home and flew out Thursday night. Dan was left to deal with the sick kids.
I was so glad that I went home. I was able to say a final good-bye to my grandma and be around my family at a time when everyone needed to be together. We rented condos that slept 17 people each and were together for 2 full days. I was able to go and visit my grandma's house and take a few pictures. I thought about all the times I had been there and the things that never changed on her walls. I saw items there that I had even given her as gifts. What a joy she was too everyone who knew her. I hope that I can be even a quarter of the woman that she was. I hope that my children will forever treasure the blankets that she made them when they were born and know how much she loved us all. I love you Grandma.
I flew back on Sunday in time to grab a nap and take the kiddos out for some trick or treating. It was a very long week.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pumpkin Fruit Baskets

This project was really fun. Project # 2 from our expensive magazine. While the kids were doing quiet time and naps I took 4 oranges and cut a sliver off the bottom so they would sit and then cut the tops off and basically gutted out the fillings of orange. After Katelynn was done with quiet time she came and helped out by cutting up the grapes for me. She was so excited to use a butter knife. Once I had her busy I then cut out of the faces on the oranges like they were little Halloween pumpkins. We cut up some of the oranges, grapes, an apple and a pear for the filling. We used silvered almonds for the teeth. I think these are probably the craftiest thing that I have ever done! I have to say I was pretty proud of myself. The kids loved them with their supper and it was healthy too.

Halloween Goodies

A few weeks ago we were at Lowe's and I paid the ridiculous amount of $10.00 for a Halloween cook book. I figured since I paid so much I better find something that me and the kids could attempt to make from it. I had Katelynn look through the book before we went grocery shopping to see what she would like to make. I had to eventually sit down with her and go through it too because the couple that she picked out were beyond my skill level. We decided (or I did) that we could make these Halloween bugs. They seemed easy enough with candy bars, pretzel sticks, a little chocolate frosting and decorations. We had a ton of fun making them, but they sure didn't turn out as pretty as the one's in the magazine picture!

Junior really just thought it was about eating candy bars, which he had never had until that day.

Katelynn as always is ready to go.

He eventually did get the idea!
Our finished projects!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Work Taboo

I was having a bad day yesterday. I went to work and my thoughts were getting the better of me. I believe that I have posted before that we went to Google Apps at work. One of the functions of Google Apps is the Chat feature. I have used the Chat feature at work for both work related items and some personal quick conversations. It's great, usually. So as I was working I decided to send a friend at work a Chat. I just sent a comment that was running through my head, nothing to serious, just a blanket statement "Do you think anyone would notice if I just left and didn't tell anybody". Don't judge! Just take it as a bad day. I did not receive a reply back from my friend so I closed the Chat.

Here is where it gets interesting. I got a voicemail later from my friend and they asked if I had gotten their Chat back later because it was pretty funny. I had closed my Chat so I didn't get it. About an hour or so later I get an email from my boss.
Subject: btw
Context: We would notice if you left :)

I sit up straight in my chair at work and think, What? How strange? So I email back and tell him: Thanks, glad that somebody would notice! I sit there in my chair and think about this and then quickly send an email to my friend. Why did my boss just email me this? My friend was in meetings the entire afternoon, but I know they are attached to their blackberry. They send me a message back stating they were in a meeting that morning and they had their screen projected and their email was signed in. As I sent my Chat it popped up in the middle of the screen for everyone to see. So, the entire room of people in the meeting saw my Chat and my comment including my boss. I saw my boss alter that day and he actually thought it was hilarious. As he followed me back to my office (yeah, I got my own office last week!) laughing at me I told him I was only slightly embarrassed by that and so glad that there were also a couple of big wigs in the room. Just great to make my bad day better. I'm sure; no positive, that my face was bright red the rest of the day.
Lesson of the day: Chat with Google
1 - Even if a persons Chat shows they are available to Chat check their calendar to be sure they are not in a meeting
2 - If you are in a meeting change your status to Unavailable for the sake of your co-workers and friends OR don't pull up your email account presentation!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Pictures

Halloween Shopping Day

I was starting to worry about running out of time this year to do the fun things that we usually do for October fun. I have been such a slacker and we've been a little bit of home bodies this month. Today was the day to head out. Shopping day for the girls and hair cuts for the boys.
Dan decided awhile ago that he would relish in his Daddy duty and thought it best if him and Junior start getting their hair cuts at the barber shop together. I love the idea of that. I think it's great bonding for the boys! (And if you haven't seen my previous post on Junior's first hair cut, whew, I was glad to give that duty to Dan). The boys headed out this morning and Katelynn and I were waiting a little while for the stores to open.
Side note: I have been trying to track some of my spending and saving a little extra money to put towards my car payment each month. I found an awesome website: to track it all and put in a budget. Check it out if you are so inclined!
It was time for Katelynn and I to head out to do some shopping. First on the list, Halloween costume. I also needed to find Katelynn some jeans that actually fit her so I decided we would stop at the Justice, just for girls, store too. Then mommies shopping turn. I had a coupon for $20.00 at Victoria Secret and of course the free panties coupon, ya! A stop at The Loft of course too (hey, it's been a little while and I need some work clothes).
The boys were still not back from their Barber Shop stop so we went through town and saw they were still in there. I couldn't resist and had to stop and say hello and see how things were going. Dan was getting his "high & tight" finished up and Junior was up next. The barber did a good job and Junior only freaked out for a little while. Katelynn and I did leave before he was done; enough intruding on "guy time".
Off to the Halloween store. We found a Strawberry Shortcake costume, but they only had smalls left and it was not going to fit, bummer. Katelynn had been saying for probably 2 weeks now that she wanted to be spider girl because one of her friends was going to be spiderman. Although, I think a couple time she said bat girl and batman? Either way, I found her both of those costumes and she didn't want them. She picked out a Cinderella dress. I found an adult Strawberry Shortcake costume and asked Katelynn if I should get it. You should have seen the look on her face. Her comment to me was, "Mom, that would just not be fair if you got to be Strawberry Shortcake and I didn't, it just really wouldn't be." I found a witches hat for me to wear and we decided Dan is going to be a cop (ha ha) and found a hat, glasses and mustache for him to sport. Junior is going to be Mickey Mouse. This will be the last year that I get to recycle one of Katelynn's old costumes. Check off the first item on our to do list! Off to the stores we went and I found her 2 pairs of pants that fit like a glove and she will wear them every week for the price that I had to pay to find "slim" jeans. My shopping was successful as well. Lunch at home and when Junior woke up from his nap we headed to the Pumpkin Patch. I will use a new post and post some pictures!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Quality Time _ Cheerios Blogger Circle

"How do you use quality time with Katelynn to ensure the best nourishment for her body & mind?"

How do I find the time to have some really good quality time with Katelynn?

Working full-time makes it hard for a lot of moms and families. Some days it really feels that the daycare provider is more of the mom and teaching parent than I am. I definitely have thoughts to myself every once in awhile, "when was the last moments that I felt really qualified as quality time?" When was the last moments I wasn't cleaning, cooking, or doing laundry so my kids have a clean home and healthy food in the few hours I am home each night?" I had that thought this week. I was looking forward today to coming home from a long week at work and doing just that with Katelynn. We had a great supper of spaghetti and meatballs and Katelynn was in such good spirits. She ate like a champ tonight! She is definitely trying to score points on her reward chart in order to go to the Halloween/Birthday party next weekend for one of her preschool friends. We decided to have a little Salon night and she did my hair and make-up: lipstick, eye shadow, and a headband, a tad scary being done up by a 5 year old. We then preceded downstairs where the boys were watching car races and brushed and styled their hair, just in case they wanted a date night. With our beautiful hair and make-up we next needed, oh so lovely nails and we polished each others. Now that we were all gussied up we needed to burn some energy. I turned on a Halloween music CD and we danced and sang and laughed. Once we had exerted all of our energy it was time for a snack before bed. We enjoyed a piece of pumpkin bread that we made together last weekend. It was such a good time and I think we both really enjoyed our night together, I know I did. She went to bed with the biggest smile on her face and lots of love for mommy.

A little good, nourishing food in the tummy and some dancing exercise goes a long way for both of us. She should wake up tomorrow bright eyed and bushy tailed and be ready for the pumpkin patch! I would say we did some excellent nourishment tonight of body, mind and soul!

Cheerios Mom Blogger!

I have been invited to join the Cheerios mom program as a Cheerios mom Blogger. I am so excited! I will have a few different topics to blog about from them and then they may or may not be used in conjunction with their Facebook page. Check them out at:

Monday, October 04, 2010

Elk Fest

I am getting so behind, that I'm going to have to have posts in between the weddings & trips until I get the days all posted.
This Sunday we decided it was time to head out of town and to the mountains. That is what they are there for and we really do take them for granted living here. It was Elk Fest in Estes Park this weekend. We got up Sunday morning and did some things around the house and got ready and headed out around 11am. The goal though was to not spend money, just go and enjoy the day and the mountain air. We told the kiddos this before leaving so they understood we were not going to buy stuff and shop, just to look. Junior thank goodness took a nap on the way up the mountain because he wouldn't lay down earlier for a nap when we tried. Katelynn was really fun and in awe of the canyons on the way up. We hadn't probably been up there since she was 2 1/2 or so (isn't that horrible). It was a rat race when we got there; which I figured it would be, but the weather was beautiful. We had to walk a ways to get to the park with the tents and did some walking and stopped and sat and the kids each had a bananas we brought them. After that we decided to head to the shops to find somewhere to get a snack and a bathroom. We found a local grill and Dan and I had a beer and we got some onion rings and cheesy fries. The kids were so good in the restaurant, it is so hit or miss with them when we take them out. After that we walked around a little more and headed back to the tents. The kids were not interested in the elk bugling contest so I took Katelynn around to some of the Indian arti-crafts they had set up. I wanted to see some elk for elk fest -where are all the elk? It was too warm for them to probably be down the mountain yet, so last resort I told Dan to drive by the golf course. I have yet to be disappointed on a trip to Estes Park where the elk were not gracing there. Sure enough there was one big, bull elk lazying around a tree. I personally think they transplanted him there because he just sat there and was so nonchalant with all the people. We took a little walk down the road and I got some great pictures, which is what I wanted for the day. We stayed in Estes for a few good hours and it was time to head home. Down the winding mountain we went and Junior eventually started screaming in the back seat. Poor little buggers ears I'm sure were hurting. And then - BLECK and YUCK - the banana came back up and he got car sick. Too much winding and too much motion. We found a little convenient store to pull over and attempt to clean him up the best we could. You can only imagine the commotion in the car. Windows down the rest of the ride home and he was fine after that. Lesson learned: take it easy on the way down the mountain and daddy will probably never take him on a trip to Estes Park in the corvette!

Can't beat the view! It almost looks fake.

The Elk is in the background.