Sunday, March 28, 2010

Home for Sale

Dan decided last week after doing some work for a realtor that it was as good of time as any to put our house on the market and see if we can make any money on it. Our hope would be that there are houses out there selling for cheap right now for the square footage that we could get into. We have been cleaning like mad people and storing things and toys and re-arranging toys to see what we can do with it. Now we just wait and see. It should be interesting to see if we can keep our house clean every single day with everything picked up - that's going to be the challenge!

The Unhappy Home Owners

Well, the HOA board finally made a decision and we sent out a letter for a one time assessment on the ditch that we own and the feedback has not been pretty. I have one email from a resident that thinks we are stealing money from the regular dues, we don't get anything done, is threatening to try and disban the HOA (good luck with that) and then his final note to the board was "Srew You!" I do understand that we gave short notice with spring fast approaching, but really people it's only $75.00. Unfortunately though we also wrote something in the letter regarding the town and that if we didn't get the ditch done soon it would be possible that they might hire someone and charge us and it would cost us more. The town was not happy with that and I get an email full from them and they were not happy with the residents calling and yelling at them either. Oh well. We'll see what happens. The biggest thing for me is that we have been talking about this stupid ditch at meetings, including annual meetings, for the past 2 years and those that are mad are the people that didn't bother to come to a meeting or read the minutes. I will have to find a way to mend my relationship with some of the town staff again though, we'll see how our meeting in May goes and if they yell at me or what words they have.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Keep on Trucking and my 5 minutes of possible fame

The last couple weeks seem to have flown by as did the entire month of February. We have really been living day to day. Get up, go to work, supper, kids, bed and then do it again the next day, but it's been working well for us this month and we seem to have a pretty happy household. For me I am really enjoying my job and glad that a few reports that had strict deadlines on them are finished and I have a new fun little project to work on with a guy from our IT department. Next week I will be learning about another project I will assist another project manager on with the health department; that should be interesting since I really have only worked in the Child Protection department.
I had been talking to Dan and a few friends at work the last couple of weeks trying to figure out if I wanted to throw my hat in the ring and run for one of the openings on the Town Board. My friends all think I am crazy and don't understand where my desire comes to do all of this extra work or what I am after. To be honest, I'm not really sure either?! I tossed back and forth the idea of town board and finally talked to Dan about it thinking he would say, No, because if it happened I would be gone another 2 nights in the month and more stuff to do. He actually told me that he would be okay with it and I told him, well, at least I would get paid to be on that board. In the end I decided to wait and finish out my job with the HOA board and learn a little more about the town and a position with be opening again in 2 years.
This weeks activity! So, I have been getting pretty burnt out on continuing to battle with the town and manufactured houses, but alas, again I found myself going to another meeting to speak my mind. The meeting this week was in front of the town board. When I got there one of the town clerks asked me where my posse was, I told her I was out of fight. Of course as the meeting progressed and items were being discussed I ramped up into a tizzy about the whole thing again and got up and addressed the board and fired questions at the town planner. I was really shooting from the hip this time and didn't have anything prepared. The meeting finally ended 2 hours later and the town board voted to restrict the manufactured homes to old town Milliken and Wild Cat acres (which already has manufactured homes built there). I talked to a few staff members after the meeting and we all pretty much agreed the decision was the best for everyone. I was asked by a couple town staff members where I had been and how come I hadn't come in and picked up my packet yet for one of the town board positions. I talked to her for a little while and said my plate is full and she did suggest that I attend some more board meetings and get a good grasp on what they discuss and go from there. Eventually I plan to go and meet with the Town Administrator and get some feedback and direction from him as well, but that can wait a little while longer. Still hanging out and talking to the director of Water Works for our town some guy comes up to me and introduces himself and says he needs to make sure that he has my name spelled correctly - I'm thinking, what ?! He was from the newspaper and will be writing an article regarding the meeting and decision. All I can think is "crap" what did I exactly say and is he going to portray me as an abrasive bitch and please do not put anything that shines me in a really bad light. Whoops! Better start watching myself. I guess I will be buying the paper for our town next week.